Outdoor Gear

From essentials to all the gear you need for your next outdoor adventure, we have a wide selection of goods for the woods!


We are your go-to spot for all things camping in Pisgah! From rugged tents to cozy sleeping bags we can equip you for the Art Loeb Trail or car camping at Davidson River Campground.


Featuring the best outdoor clothing brands, our apparel is as tough as your adventures. Don’t forget to check out exclusive Hub-branded merchandise, perfect for keeping memories of your visit alive.


At The Hub you’ll find an impressive range of top outdoor shoe brands perfect for hiking, biking, and hanging out at the campsite. Designed to support every stride, let us get you fitted for your next great outdoor journey!


Whether you’re tackling the trad routes at Locking Glass Rock or spending a bouldering day at Rumbling Bald, we’ve got the rock climbing gear you need.

gear Up

Your Gateway to premium outdoor gear

Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker, a rock climbing enthusiast, or just beginning your journey into the great outdoors, we have everything you need to make your adventure remarkable. Welcome to The Hub, where our passion for the outdoors meets your love for the wilderness.

We cater to the adventure

At The Hub, we understand that every adventure requires the right gear. That’s why we’ve curated a comprehensive selection of outdoor essentials tailored for every explorer out there. From robust hiking boots to cozy sleeping bags, our friendly team of specialists will ensure that you’re well-prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

apparel & accessories

Where to Hike

Need More?

Come by and discover everything you need for your next adventure! From camping gear to hiking essentials and outdoor apparel we’ve got you covered. If you’re searching for something specific and don’t find it on our shelves, just let us know—we’re happy to help!